Underage DUI Lawyer in Santa Barbara, CA
Experienced Santa Barbara Underage DUI Attorneys
The drinking age nationwide is 21 years old and anyone pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving who is under the legal age can be charged with an underage DUI. If found guilty, this can lead to serious penalties, not only in the short term such as jail time and problems but also later on in life when trying to get into college or find a job. Take the first step in your defense by speaking with a Santa Barbara DUI attorney.
Why Choose Appel & Morse for Your Defense?
- Because we have a former district deputy attorney as a part of our firm, Appel & Morse understands how the prosecution is likely to proceed to obtain a conviction and can use this information against them.
- Our firm has more than 40 years of collective experience fighting for the rights of the accused and we can do what it takes to avoid a conviction at all costs.
Protect your future. Contact our underage DUI defense lawyer today to learn more about your legal options.
Understanding the Penalties for Underage DUI
While California is a zero-tolerance state, a driver’s blood alcohol must be more than 0.01% for a driver to be arrested for drunk driving. Underage drinking has separate penalties as opposed to those for drivers over 21, but other charges such as minor in possession of alcohol can compound the punishment.
Penalties for underage DUI include:
- 4 days to 6 months in jail
- $1400 to $2600 in fines
- Licenses suspension of 40 days to 10 months
- 10 days to 1 year in jail, $1800 to $2800 in fines, and a 2-year suspension for a second conviction
Another factor to consider is the damage a DUI will do to your insurance premiums which could increase dramatically after a conviction. Your insurer may even terminate your policy or refuse to renew it.
Start Your Underage DUI Defense Now! Call for a Free Consultation.
You need an aggressive Santa Barbara DUI lawyer when your future is on the line. When you are ready to begin your life as an adult, a DUI on your record can seriously limit your potential, so get our criminal defense firm to challenge your arrest and protect your future!
Schedule your free criminal consultation and discuss your case with us today—(805) 467-6060!
At Appel & Morse, we work to ensure our clients understand what is happening with their cases and how to best defend their interests. Our mission is to obtain the best results based on a true understanding of each client's unique circumstances.