DUI Causing Injury in California
Was Someone Injured in Your DUI Case??
At Appel & Morse, we know how terrifying it can feel knowing that someone was injured in an accident, particularly if you are the one facing charges. The penalties are severe, and that is why it so important to have an experienced Santa Barbara DUI lawyer assisting you.
Understanding DUI Laws in CA
Prosecutors can charge someone with a DUI as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances. A DUI would be considered a felony if someone suffered severe bodily harm, as examples. Also, be aware that DUI charges can be pressed even if your blood-alcohol concentration (BAC) measured less than 0.08%, which is the legal limit.
These are the penalties for a misdemeanor DUI causing injury:
- Probation for 3 to 5 years
- 5 days and up to 1 year in jail
- Between $350 and $5, 000 in fines
- Participation in an alcohol education program
- License suspension for 1 to 3 years
- Restitution paid to victims
These are the penalties for a felony DUI causing injury:
- 2 to 4 years in state prison (enhanced if the victim sustained severe bodily injury)
- A strike added to your record, under California’s Three Strikes Law
- $1,015 to $5, 000 in fines
- Designation as a Habitual Traffic Offender (HTO) for 3 years
- License suspension for 5 years
- Restitution paid to victims
As you can see, California’s laws are especially strict in punishing drunk drivers. Fortunately, you have many defenses available that can offer some relief if you have been charged with DUI causing injury. Just because you were charged with DUI, it does not mean that all hope is lost. Get in touch with our Santa Barbara criminal defense attorneys for defense as soon as possible!
Contact Us Today for a Free Criminal Consultation!
At Appel & Morse, our criminal defense team thoroughly conduct investigations to ensure whether the evidence has enough weight to charge you. We are skilled and persuasive, and we know how to diminish the claims and minimize the severity of the charges. Furthermore, we are also former prosecutors, which means we know how the other side works. We use this insight to help even out the circumstances to tip the scales of justice in your favor.
Call our Santa Barbara DUI lawyers today! Your first consultation is 100% free and confidential.
At Appel & Morse, we work to ensure our clients understand what is happening with their cases and how to best defend their interests. Our mission is to obtain the best results based on a true understanding of each client's unique circumstances.